
Variable Reacto ((r.var.))

The purpose of variable reactos are to store data which can later be retrieved used for display, calculation etc.

A. Set Data and Get Data

A.1. Set Data ((r.var.key = value))

We can store any kind of data/value in a variable reacto.

The format to store the data is ((r.var.keyName = any number or text value here))

Here keyName can be any text, without a space i.e. it should be a single word.

A.2. Get Data ((r.var.key))

To retrieve the same data, we just need to give the correct keyName whose data we want to get, ((r.var.keyName))

A.3. Examples of Set and Get

Reactive Text
# Storing Data
((r.var.favColor = Blue))\
((r.var.favNumber = 9))\
((r.var.aLongText = Reactos Are COOOL!!))\

# Getting Data Back\
My Favourite Color: ((r.var.favColor))
My Lucky Number: ((r.var.favNumber))
I think: ((r.var.aLongText))

To see how they can be used in conjuction with other reactos go to reacto-recipes documentation page

B. Special Variables

B.1. Get the Calculation Results ((r.var._n))

Whenever we do any calculation using the calc reato, the result is automatically saved in memory.

These results can be retrieved using the syntax ((r.var._n)) , where n starts from last, i.e. 1, and then goes on n+1, n+2, n+3 and so on ...

To illustrate the ordering, if we want to get the

  • last result, we will say ((r.var._1))
  • 2nd last result, we will say ((r.var._2))
  • 3rd from the last result, we will say ((r.var._3))
  • 4th from the last result, we will say ((r.var._4))
  • so on and so forth ...

These special reacto variables can be used like any other variable-reactos. To see how they can be used with the calc-reactos go to calc-reactos documentation page

B.2. Examples

Reactive Text
# First let's do some calculations
((r.calc. 2 + 7))   // 9
((r.calc. 5 - 2))   // 3
((r.calc. 9 * 2))   // 18

# Later we can retrieve them
# In the order last to first, by
((r.var._1))    // 18
((r.var._2))    // 3
((r.var._3))    // 9
© Suman Barick | 2019-2021