
Config Reacto ((r.cfg.))

Config reacto helps change the configuration of the reactos that comes after it


Changing Language

With the help of config-reacto, we can change the output languages of all the reactos that comes after it.

Syntax: ((r.cfg.setLocale.LANGUAGE_CODE))

The LANGUAGE_CODE is any valid language short codes that the particular browser supports. The full list of can be found at reacto playground under the dropdown named Language Codes.

A Note on Browser Support: Please note that list contains all the languages that will be supported by all the browsers, one day, maybe in future. In my current testing I have found that, surprisingly, Microsoft Edge is supporting more languages than Google Chrome .

Reactive Text
# In English,((r.cfg.setLocale.en)) 
today is a (( of a ((r.dt.month))
and time is ((r.dt.hour24)):((r.dt.min)):((r.dt.sec))

# In Bengali,(( 
today is a (( of a ((r.dt.month))
and time is ((r.dt.hour24)):((r.dt.min)):((r.dt.sec))

# In Gujrati,((
today is a (( of a ((r.dt.month))
and time is ((r.dt.hour24)):((r.dt.min)):((r.dt.sec))

# In Hindi,((r.cfg.setLocale.hi)) 
today is a (( of a ((r.dt.month))
and time is ((r.dt.hour24)):((r.dt.min)):((r.dt.sec))

# In Marathi,((
today is a (( of a ((r.dt.month))
and time is ((r.dt.hour24)):((r.dt.min)):((r.dt.sec))

# Set things back to English
# Or else, next reacto will get affected

Switching Reacto Printing OFF

If we want to do some work (e.g. doing calculations) with reacto(s) but don't want their values to be printed on screen, we can use this reacto. It will print blank for all the reactos that come after it.

Syntax: ((r.cfg.printOff))

Reactive Text
# Before Turning Print OFF
4 + 5 = ((r.calc. 4 + 5))   // Will show "4 + 5 = 9"

# Turn OFF Print ((r.cfg.printOff))
4 + 5 = ((r.calc. 4 + 5))   // Will only show "4 + 5 ="

# Turn ON Print ((r.cfg.printOn))
4 + 5 = ((r.calc. 4 + 5))   // Will show "4 + 5 = 9"

Switching Reacto Printing ON

This s opposite of ((r.cfg.printOff)), when we want to turn printing back on

Syntax: ((r.cfg.printOn))

Reactive Text
# Turn OFF Print ((r.cfg.printOff))
10 + 8 = ((r.calc. 10 + 8))   // Will show "10 + 8"

# Turn ON Print ((r.cfg.printOn))
10 + 8 = ((r.calc. 10 + 8))   // Will show "10 + 8 = 18"
© Suman Barick | 2019-2021