
Conditional Reacto ((r.if.))

Conditional reacto (if-reacto) helps us do something based on a condition

A. The Structure and The Operators

A.1. The Structure

The structure of if-reacto is a but different than other reactos. Inside the reacto body itself it will have the condition i.e. ((r.if. some_condition )) and then after the reacto, inside double curly braces we will have the thing that we want it to perform.

So, the structure is,

((r.if. some_condition)) {{ 

The condition to be checked will have a structure of operand operator operand, the operands can be any number or text or any reacto that resolves to a number or text.

A.2. The Operators

The available conditional / logical operators are,

  • Equal =
  • Not Equal !=
  • Greater Than >
  • Greater Than Or Equal >=
  • Less Than <
  • Less Than Or Equal <=

B. Usages and Exmaples

B.1. Check If Equal =

If 2 things are equal, then do something.


Reactive Text
# Equality Check

# Direct Number Check
((r.if. 5 = 5)) {{ Yes, obviously they are equal }}
((r.if. 5 = 6)) {{ This line will NOT get printed }}\

# Direct Text Check
((r.if. Sky is blue = Sky is blue)) {{ Yeah, yeah, the sky is blue ... }}
((r.if. Sky is blue = Sky is red)) {{ Nope, false, hence no print for this one ... }}\

# One operand a reacto
((r.if. r.dt.year = 2021)) {{ This text will be printed only if the current year matches }}
((r.if. = Friday)) {{ If current day matches, show this text }}

# Both operand reactos
((r.var.myFavColor = Blue))\
((r.var.yourFavColor = Orange))\
((r.var.guessMonth = May))\
((r.if. r.var.myFavColor = r.var.yourFavColor)) {{ We both love ((r.var.myFavColor)) }}
((r.if. r.var.guessMonth = r.dt.month)) {{ This text will be printed only if current month is what we guessed }}

B.2. Check If NOT Equal !=

If 2 things are NOT equal, then do something.


Reactive Text
# Equality Check

# Direct Number Check
((r.if. 5 != 5)) {{ False, no print }}\
((r.if. 5 != 6)) {{ True, 5 is not equal to 6 }}

# Direct Text Check
((r.if. Sky is blue != Sky is blue)) {{ False, as they are equal }}\
((r.if. Sky is blue != Sky is red)) {{ True, two texts are not the same }}

# One operand a reacto
((r.if. r.dt.year != 2018)) {{ This will show only if the current year is not 2018 }}\
((r.if. != Friday)) {{ If current day does not match, show this text }}

# Both operand reactos
((r.var.myFavColor = Blue))\
((r.var.yourFavColor = Orange))\
((r.var.guessMonth = May))\
((r.if. r.var.myFavColor != r.var.yourFavColor)) {{ True, our favourite colors are different }}
((r.if. r.var.guessMonth != r.dt.month)) {{ True, if we guessed wrong month }}
© Suman Barick | 2019-2021